
Razzmatazz 1, Barcelona, ES.


Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. We cannot issue refunds to under 16s who are not accompanied by an adult.

Collect 2 Nectar points for every £1 you spend with See Tickets via this site.


Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
ENTRADA GENERAL €27.50 (€25.00)


Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
DONATIVO €2.25 (€2.00)
Vull fer un donatiu a Oxfam Intermón, per trobar solucions als efectes desiguals de la crisi climàtica que estan dificultant l'accés a aigua potable i empenyent milions de persones a la pobresa.

Quiero hacer un donativo a Oxfam Intermón, para encontrar soluciones a los efectos desiguales de la crisis climática que están dificultando el acceso a agua potable y empujando a millones de personas a la pobreza.

I would like to make a donation to Oxfam Intermón, to find solutions to the unequal effects of the climate crisis that are hindering access to clean water and pushing millions of people into poverty.